Friday, June 30, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Thursday, June 29, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Sunday, June 25, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Anyway . . .
I had Cookie 'n' Cream milkshake while CS had Vanilla malt. We also ordered some Chunky cheezy fries!
Was supposed to meet Kerlyn and HW and bcos CS offended Kerlyn over the phone the other day, he had been terrified of seeing her. He kept thinking that she'll kill him. And thus he decided to take a picture for his funeral use should he really end up dead that day. LOL!
Ok. I've no idea why he took a shot of his shoe.
Well had a really nice day but had to rush back home cos I haven't pack my luggage yet.
And lastly, le presento my favourite:
Audrey Hepburn!
Saturday, June 24, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Friday, June 23, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Thursday, June 22, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Saturday, June 10, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Thursday, June 08, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
The starter arrived shortly and because it is our virgin experience, the lady server taught us how to go about having the starter.
The starter came in a specially designed tray with 3 different portions. The most interesting part would be the egg. The egg is 70% done and firstly, you gotta place it onto the tray. Using the chopstick, you cut the egg into half and then pour the special sweet sauce onto it.
I must say that my favourite among the 3 is the egg!
Next up is the main. We ordered seafood and lamb, with clear and mala soup base. I had soba as my side while Ndee had glass noodle.
Oh! And I must certainly mention that the seafood came on a wooden boat! Isn't that cool?!
We sat at a table for 4 and Ndee commented on how far apart we are cos the table is quite wide. Later on we discovered the reason behind having such a wide table!
The concept for this hot pot is that each individual will get their own hot pot which kind of makes it a customized experience cos you don't have to share. Thus we ordered 2 different main and soup base. So that we get to try both!
Halfway through the dinner, the table started to get wet cos the ice on the boat started to melt. The lady server came and moved all the seafood from the boat onto a plate. And she joked about the boat sinking. Haha. Humourous people they have there!
And now to unveal the mystery behind the wide table. Simply put, because there is just so many things on the table, you have no choice but to have a wide table! But then again, we nearly ran outta place to put the things!
The plate and boat used to serve the main already took up 1/4 of the table each and not to mention our plates, the sauce dish, the condiment tray and the 4 hot pot holes!
We were happily having our meal when 2 small glasses of ice plum juice were served to us. It is to aid us in digestion so that we are able to continue the meal. How thoughtful! And the ice plum juice is really nice, though kindda sour. It's imported from Taiwan. Haha. I'm so gonna search for it when I'm there!
Towards the end of the dinner, we were almost bursting out and then the lady server mentioned our dessert. WOO! Gonna burst real soon!
I had pearl habour while Ndee had coffee ice cream. Both were great I must say!
Pearl habour is actually fruits and sago in mango cream. I'm a fanatic for mango and thus I can't help but to try it! There is a generous dose of sago (which is why it's named pearl habour, i guess?). The coffee ice cream had this crispy thing on top which is really nice and the coffee flavour is not too overwhelming, leaving a nice aftertaste.
Overall, I would rate this dinner and restaurant a full 5 stars!
The ambience is great; a quiet place to relax and have a great meal without the buzz of city life. And it isn't too crowded.
The experience is fun and interesting, especially for 1st-timer.
The food is value for money. You get a crab when you order the seafood main so what else can I say?
The service is fantastic! This is the very 1st time whereby I feel that the 10% service charge is totally worth it! The crew provides you with lots of information, help and constantly filling up the soup base and tea for you. You will feel like the King / Queen! And not to forget, they smile all the time!
Oh. And did I mention that they actually open the wet tissue packet for us cos our hands were dirty? Isn't this one of the best service crew or what?
And last but not least, when they return you your change and receipt, guess what?
It came in an envelope!
Surprise surprise!
We were honestly shocked. What an experience. Keychains were even given as gifts and we can use them for discounts on the days when they permit it.
Trust me. You guys gotta check that place out. And if you don't believe me, check out this review from Wine and Dine @ AsiaOne.
I'm sure to go back there a second time!
Monday, June 05, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
La vie est Belle <> |
Sunday, June 04, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Friday, June 02, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
Thursday, June 01, 2006 |
La vie est Belle <> |
All about |
: elise : |
Jack (or is it Jane?) of all trades,
but Master of none.
(trying to!)
This is my paradise, where I indulge my senses grandiloquently.
A collective effort to keep family & friends updated, and for random strangers to pop by.
I wanted to put a HUGE picture of myself in this space, but being the technologically challenged person that I am, I can't figure out the mojo of it.
So I guess I'll just have to make do with scattering loads of random self-shots all over the blog!
: xoxo :
Hugs & Kisses |
: xoxo : |
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Ending |
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Yours Truly... Elise Tan