Friday, April 27, 2007
La vie est Belle <>

all well ends well

The first week of Term 2 has been quite a delight.

When the progress report came out for Term 1 before the college break, I saw that I did not meet the course requirement for Human Biology. That cracks my head open cos I can't think of what is it that I've done, or have not done, to render such a report. And worst still, they sent a letter back home to my parents.

So I asked my lecturer what requirement is it that I have not met, and surprisingly, I'm clean. So I guess it's the International Office then. He said he'll explain it to the
office that there must have been a mistake. What a relief.

And then there's my English presentation, which went jolly well. Love it!

Was slightly late for Physics today due to the usual sensitive stomach issue, and on my way of walking frantically to the college, DB called me from behind. Apparently his bus was late. And so the two of us were rushing and worrying ourselves silly
with the possibility of Steve not letting us in to the class.

But all ends well and Steve only asked our reasons for being late.

"So why are you late?"

"I missed the bus."

"All right. And how about you Elise? You missed his bus too?"

"No! I was stuck in the toilet."

Halfway through the class when Steve left us to work out the problems, he came
over to chat with me and my lab partner. He said something which both shocked and amused me.

"So Elise, why are you late? The two of you coming together. Too much of a coincidence isn't it?"

"What?! I was right in front of him when he called me. His bus
just happens to pull in at the same time."

"Are the two of you really just friends?"

"Steve! You have such an over active imagination!"

"Oh no I don't."

He then laughed at me and walked away. What a lecturer!

And why is it so hard to believe that a platonic relationship is possible between a guy and a girl?

Oh my gosh! Spare me the anguish!

I told DB about it when class ended and both of us laughed ourselves silly.

However, the real icing on the cake was bumping into Sugar. Though it was just a brief encounter, I've been smiling over it till now. Hohoho!

Pardon the bimbotic me, people. Lol.

What a way to end my day!


Anyway, will be heading to Metro tonight. There's this MOS event held by the Singapore Students Society again.

Was approached by 2 of the students on Wednesday and their selling approach just turns me off. Made up my mind not to go but Sharon went ahead and bought my ticket, in case I change my mind. Damn. And the girls are telling me to go.

So I'll be clubbing later on, in the cold cold Autumn night, and most probably get
myself pissed off real bad from being bumped and shoved and elbowed all through the night.

Wow. I'm so looking forward to that.

Oh well, gonna go grab a short nap now. It's been a long but delightful day!


All about
: elise :

Jack (or is it Jane?) of all trades,

but Master of none.
(trying to!)

This is my paradise, where I indulge my senses grandiloquently.

A collective effort to keep family & friends updated, and for random strangers to pop by.

I wanted to put a HUGE picture of myself in this space, but being the technologically challenged person that I am, I can't figure out the mojo of it.

So I guess I'll just have to make do with scattering loads of random self-shots all over the blog!

: xoxo :

Hugs & Kisses
: xoxo :

: blabbers :

Gallery of
: memoirs :

: credits :

Inspired by:

JUICE & Undying Love

Edited by:

Yours Truly... Elise Tan

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