Wednesday, July 20, 2005
La vie est Belle <>

If I could turn back the hands of time.

If I could turn back the hands of time . . .

If only I could turn back the hands of time, I'll choose a different path. I'll hang around with other people back in secondary school and to set my priority right. I'll put more effort into my studies. I'll still take up the same subjects though, and I'll complete my 'O' Level art instead of dropping it. I'll have good results and go to a JC where I'll major in science stream. After that I'll go to university and major in either psychology or cultural anthropology. After my graduation, I'll become either a psychologist or an anthropologist. My pay will be so high that I'll be able to buy my dream BMW convertible and either a condominium or bungalow. I'll meet many people and have a wide social circle. I'll have many eligible bachelors to choose from and in the end, marry the guy of my dream. He will be good-looking, tall, tan, intelligent, nice, treats me like a princess, has an established career and owns a car. We'll get married and have two children, a boy and a girl. We'll lead a happy life and my dad will be living his retirement in bliss.

If only I could turn back the hands of time.

But come to think of it, should I have the chance to turn back the hands of time and live the life I wanted, as described above, I'll miss out on many things. Actually, I'll only miss out on all the wonderful people I've met.

Michael, Andrew, Alex, Weiliang, Qian Qi, Cheryl, Fana, Melissa, Wendy, Yu Wen, Anthony, Momo, Chew Lian, Kailing, Ming Hong, Yee Loon, Joseph, Piney, Alexander, Gary, Wei Hsun, Ridwan, Winnie, Michelle, and many many more.

To be honest, I don't like my life now. It's not what I want. There are so many times whereby I wish I could start all over again. I even contemplated retaking my 'O' and stuff. But damn it. I don't have a rich dad. I only have a poor but hardworking and down-to-earth dad, whom I love so very much!

CS told me to make the best of what I have now and to work towards building my future life. He is so right. I should just move on and forget about all the "if only".

Well anyway, all in all, I'm grateful for all the things I've got now and I'll cherish them.

The world is such a nice place and I love all of you! Muackz!

All about
: elise :

Jack (or is it Jane?) of all trades,

but Master of none.
(trying to!)

This is my paradise, where I indulge my senses grandiloquently.

A collective effort to keep family & friends updated, and for random strangers to pop by.

I wanted to put a HUGE picture of myself in this space, but being the technologically challenged person that I am, I can't figure out the mojo of it.

So I guess I'll just have to make do with scattering loads of random self-shots all over the blog!

: xoxo :

Hugs & Kisses
: xoxo :

: blabbers :

Gallery of
: memoirs :

: credits :

Inspired by:

JUICE & Undying Love

Edited by:

Yours Truly... Elise Tan

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