Friday, June 01, 2007
La vie est Belle <>

Let's jump !

I'm intending to grow my locks so that I can spot the long and flowy, messy and just out of bed look. But because I ALWAYS snip them off whenever I have the chance to, I've been resisting that overwhelming temptation for quite some time. And it's driving me nuts!

It's been more than 3 years since I spot a length that is way over my shoulder, and I THINK I really wanna try that out. Yet at the same time, I yearn to snip them off cos they're getting too long (according to my standard that is)! And not to mention, being stuck at a length that is neither considered long nor short, it looks kind of weird and is curling all over the wrong places.

Dilemma dilemma.

Or maybe I'm just too fickle-minded!

Was talking to Ellice last night and were talking about fears. Fear of height was mentioned and she said that the best way to overcome it is to go sky-diving. She did it during the April college break and quoting her, "It was totally awesome!"

And so that brought out the crazy urge in me to do it. I've always wanted to go sky-diving and somehow it just got pushed back into some remote recess of my mind. Now that she mentioned it, I wanna try it before leaving Perth!

Care to join me, anyone?

So excited!

Anyway, had my English exam today and I do hope dearly that I'll pass. There's just not enough time to write 3 essays in 2 hours! I've got pretty neat ideas for my topics but not enough time to plan and structure them. So I just scribbled anything that came to mind. Argh.

And there'll be another one coming up on 14th June. English is the only module that has 2 semester exams! Horror!


Oh well, take care my loves.

All about
: elise :

Jack (or is it Jane?) of all trades,

but Master of none.
(trying to!)

This is my paradise, where I indulge my senses grandiloquently.

A collective effort to keep family & friends updated, and for random strangers to pop by.

I wanted to put a HUGE picture of myself in this space, but being the technologically challenged person that I am, I can't figure out the mojo of it.

So I guess I'll just have to make do with scattering loads of random self-shots all over the blog!

: xoxo :

Hugs & Kisses
: xoxo :

: blabbers :

Gallery of
: memoirs :

: credits :

Inspired by:

JUICE & Undying Love

Edited by:

Yours Truly... Elise Tan

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