Sunday, August 05, 2007
La vie est Belle <>

Cuts & Bumps

Went indoor rock climbing at Rockface with Brian yesterday, and now my arms are sore and aching.

A parting gift for remembrance is the bruise on my lower back, which resulted from slamming against the wall while hanging in midair. Somehow, I also managed to hurt my chest because a region of my sternum is hurting now.
And my inner thighs aren't spared from being strapped in the harness.


But nonetheless, it was real fun. Lots of laughs and silly jokes.

The last time I rock climbed was during an OBS course when I was 15.

6 years ago!

Have been hitting the swimming pool for three consecutive days now, and going for Body Balance and Yoga whenever possible. Was pleasantly surprised when I managed to touch my toes during one of the stretches.


*happy dance*

I've always failed my sit and reach.

I've also discovered small slits on my right wrist and fourth finger while working. I was buffled by the pain I'm experiencing as there was no apparent injuries when I inspected my hand.

Those nasty cuts only surfaced after a while with their usual tell-tale, thin trail of blood.

Bloody cuts.
Nasty little scheming injuries!

In a nutshell, it's just college, work, fitness and social.

And because I'm such a fickle-minded person with a wide array of interests, I've been reading three books simultaneously. I just can't wait to finish one then start on the next!

So right now I'm on The French Revolution, The Black Death; In the Wake of the Plague, and Fast Food Nation.

So many things yet so little time!

All about
: elise :

Jack (or is it Jane?) of all trades,

but Master of none.
(trying to!)

This is my paradise, where I indulge my senses grandiloquently.

A collective effort to keep family & friends updated, and for random strangers to pop by.

I wanted to put a HUGE picture of myself in this space, but being the technologically challenged person that I am, I can't figure out the mojo of it.

So I guess I'll just have to make do with scattering loads of random self-shots all over the blog!

: xoxo :

Hugs & Kisses
: xoxo :

: blabbers :

Gallery of
: memoirs :

: credits :

Inspired by:

JUICE & Undying Love

Edited by:

Yours Truly... Elise Tan

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